Welcome Economics Students!

The amazing Sport Management students of Professor Kaplan's Sport Economics class are taking it to the next level; incorporating the latest technology into the classroom. Their theme of 'putting it all together' is what this overall assessment is all about. Demonstrating mastery of the economic principles and concepts necessary for management decision-making in the global sport industry, the class has been researching, developing, and publishing blog content entries in a collaborative class project. All students are integrating their semester-long research and outcome assessments, breaking into student teams to edit and submit subject area content, and designated student administrators are facilitating and managing the blog, with ongoing classroom editing and interactive comment opportunities.

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Chapter 7

Key concept:
GDSP: is generally measured with the use of the Expenditure Approach: personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investments, government purchase of goods and services, and net exports of goods and services.
It is the sum of the value of the final goods and services produced domestically by the sport industry.
Measurement for this is more complex than that of measuring the GDP because of two reasons:
The scope of what we call sport can be very limited or inclusive depending on how we define “sport”.
The second reason is because there is no sole category of expenditures in sport defined by government economic statistics. The economic significance of sport has been counted only as a contributor to the recreation and entertainment industry.

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