Welcome Economics Students!

The amazing Sport Management students of Professor Kaplan's Sport Economics class are taking it to the next level; incorporating the latest technology into the classroom. Their theme of 'putting it all together' is what this overall assessment is all about. Demonstrating mastery of the economic principles and concepts necessary for management decision-making in the global sport industry, the class has been researching, developing, and publishing blog content entries in a collaborative class project. All students are integrating their semester-long research and outcome assessments, breaking into student teams to edit and submit subject area content, and designated student administrators are facilitating and managing the blog, with ongoing classroom editing and interactive comment opportunities.

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Chapter 11

Key concepts
There are three types of mergers:
· Horizontal
· Vertical
· Conglomerate

The dual nature of professional sports leagues and antitrust: is explained by showing how professional sports leagues are simultaneously a single entity and a collection of competing firms. The antitrust laws have various exemptions that help professional sports leagues to compete better.

Antitrust actions by competing professional sports leagues :is explained by how lawsuits can be a strategy of new formed sports leagues to gain parity with existing sports leagues. They also have litigation that is broken into five major issues.

The dual nature of profession sports leagues and antitrust deals with the principle of restrictions, making the competition better between teams and leagues. An example in the sport industry would be the Raiders moving from Oakland to Los Angeles even though the NFL did not want it to happen.

The antitrust actions by competing professional sports leagues deals with the principle of game theory by how organizations try to get themselves in the best position to be successful financially and have the best public image. An example in the sport industry is NHL not allowing their players to quit and play for the W.H.L.
Will the make up of how leagues are set-up change in the next 20 years due to the economy?

Eschenfelder, M. J., & Li, M. (2007). Antitrust Issues in Sport. The Economics of Sports (Sport Management Library) (2 ed., pp. 189-204). Morgantown: Fitness Information Technology.

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